Dog Mom Guilt The other day facebook memories popped up with a photo of Nick as a puppy 11yrs ago and I was shocked by the knowledge that Nick is 11yrs old. Nick is 11? How did that happen? Where did the time go? If Nick is 11, that means Rylee is nine and a half and if Rylee is 9-1/2 that means ............. I've lost years Dogs lives are short and we are their entire lives. They depend on us for everything .... food, shelter, and quality of life. And that time speeds by and is gone before we know it. Especially when you suffer from depression and trauma. You lose track of time. Hours, weeks, months, and years seem to disappear. The realization that Nick is 11 brought the realization that my mental health has been declining for at least 11yrs. We moved to this location 16yrs ago and life was good for the first four years. I was busy with dog training, shows, competitions, flyball tournaments, organizing disc dog trials, traveling to World Champi...
Showing posts from February, 2020